20 Interview Questions to Ask Yourself

Hi! I decided to start off by focusing on you, my readers! So here is a list of interview questions for you to ask yourself. 

Are you looking to assess yourself? I have compiled a list of twenty important questions, whether you are searching to gain self-awareness or just interested in taking a deeper look into your life. These questions can help you guide yourself toward self-improvement, but feel free to use this interview for any purpose you see fit!

  1. What is your name?

This question may seem rudimentary, but it is the most important one on the list. Your name reflects your identity, so look further into this question than just the sound of your name. How does your name define you? Who in this world recognizes your name? What significance is associated with your name?

  1. What are you doing for a living?

Are you content with your occupation and other sources of income? Do you feel you are spending too much time working? Or not enough time working? Focus on these questions to evaluate your game plan when it comes to money-making.

  1. Where do you live?

This question is often overlooked because there are so many reasons for living in a certain location. Dive into the reasons you have for living in your area and analyze your level of contentment with your space.

  1. What kind of relationships are you in?

Are you in a romantic relationship or family relationships? Do you have a group of peers or a few close friends? Assess what kind of relationships are most important to you. Do you value quality over quantity in your relationships?

  1. What types of music/media do you listen to/watch? 

What are you exposing your mind to? What is your purpose for seeing/hearing these forms of media? Assessing your intentions when exposing yourself to forms of media can change your life. Do not show yourself/listen to media that is negatively affecting you.

  1. Which parts of your lifestyle are consistent?

Do you participate in any daily or weekly routines? Are these routines/practices valuable to you? Is consistency important to you in your life?

  1. Who are you closest to?

Look into the people you spend the most time with; if you pay attention, they may not be the people that first pop into your mind. Once you figure out who you spend the most time with, ask yourself this: are these people positive? Are they trying to help you and support you? If not, consider spending more time with more positive supports or role models. 

  1. Who inspires you the most? 

Choosing positive role models is an essential step in achieving success. If you do not know where you want to go, you will never get there. 

  1. What is on your bucket list?

Why have you not done these activities or reached these milestones yet? Of course, some things take time to build or grow, but make sure you are not waiting on nothing. Only you can set your dreams into motion. Get out there and check off those bucket list items. 

  1. What are your long term goals?

Answering this question is always important to define so you can form a clear picture as to where you are heading. 

  1. What are your short term goals?

Choose small, attainable goals and set realistic timelines to start progressing toward your larger goals. Ensure that your short term goals line up with your long term goals and are helping you reach your true intentions.

  1. What are you most proud of?

When pursuing self-improvement, many people neglect this type of attribution. Taking accountability for the mistakes you have made is important, but patting yourself on the back for the good things you have accomplished is equally as important.

  1. What aspect of life is most important to you?

Define if you are more career-driven or family oriented. Are you more focused on physical and mental health? Working to improve all aspects of your life is important, but maintaining a ranking can help you sort out a clear order of attendance.

  1. What is the most significant thing that has happened in your life?

This can be a positive thing or a negative thing, neither is better than the other. Addressing this question can reveal what is holding you back from attaining your goals, or what is shadowing over your other attempts. 

  1. What is your biggest regret?

Why do you regret this action and what would you have done instead? Since you cannot change the past, how have you chosen to cope with this regret? Did you learn any significant lessons from this situation?

  1. What advice would you give yourself a year ago?

Think about your perspective last year, when you were a year younger. How have your thoughts or opinions changed? If you could have made a suggestion to your past self, what would you have said to them?

  1. What advice would you give yourself a year from now?

This question is difficult since you cannot accurately predict the situation you will be in next year. However, if you had to imagine, what do you think you would want to tell yourself in one year?

  1. What is the most important thing you have learned?

We all learn lessons (sometimes the hard way). What lesson have you learned that has stuck with you? Why do you value that knowledge?

  1. What new things do you hope to learn?

Make a list of the skills you would like to learn in the future and the habits you would like to pick up on. How will these skills and habits improve your lifestyle?

  1. What do you want to say to yourself in a year?

Write down your answer to this one! What do you want to change in the coming years?

Reflecting on your responses, what surprised you the most about yourself? What answers are you content with? Analyze how you can use this information to improve yourself or become more aware of your own progress. I hope you found this interview to be helpful and make sure to revisit this article whenever you need a self check-in!